Gig Harbor Campus Only
(4th - 6th grade)
September - June
The Age of Imagination begins in our lower elementary program
and carries into upper elementary. During this time students move
from concrete to abstract thinking. By using their imaginations,
students are able to travel in time to our earliest history, travel the
world as global citizens, and make real world connections across
the curriculum.
Our multiage classroom allows students from grade 4-6 to
collaborate on big projects, to experience being both mentee and
mentor, both student and teacher. Like Lower Elementary, the
curriculum in Upper Elementary is interrelated and based on
Montessori’s Cosmic Curriculum.
At Harbor Montessori several areas of the curriculum are
constructed as 3-year cycles, which allows for in depth study on
many topics. For example in the area of world history the students
participate in year-long studies of Ancient Civilizations, Middle
Ages and Renaissance and US History. In science, the students
complete a three-year rotation of Biology, Chemistry/Physics and Anatomy/Environmental Science. All other subjects, such as
algebra, geometry, and Latin & Greek, are individualized. Because
students at this age are moving toward abstraction, they have the
best of both worlds—concrete Montessori materials when they are
needed and the freedom to move ahead quickly as they master a